If you haven’t noticed, I’m seriously impressed with Cloudflare Zero Trust, but one feature remained missing - ad blocking. I was a longtime user of Pi-hole and loved the simplicity of it all. If you aren’t aware, Pi-hole is deployed on a Raspberry Pi and blocks ads, trackers, and other nasty sites by using DNS block lists. You can also block or allow specific domains with a new rule from the Pi-hole dashboard. They even had a way to block ads using regular expressions (REGEX) - this got me thinking.

REGEX Ad Blocking

Pi-hole allows you to create ad-blocking rules using REGEX. It wasn’t until after creating my first REGEX policy to block abused TLDs that I realized Cloudflare Zero Trust could likely be used to do the same for ads. I found some REGEX for Pi-hole, created a policy, and tested things out - it didn’t work. If you haven’t read my other post on REGEX - Cloudflare Zero Trust doesn’t use traditional REGEX. Instead Cloudflare’s Gateway uses Rust to evaluate expressions. Given the simplicity of my TLD REGEX policy, I just created a similarly structured value - it worked.

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Ad Blocker Policy

Name Exp. Selector Exp. Operator Exp. Value Action
Ad Blocks Domain matches regex see below Block

Policy Value


I built this list by referencing block lists available on firebog - they have a great collection. The values I selected are unique enough to not trigger unexpected blocks and the values ‘advert’, ‘adserv’, and ‘adsystem’ appeared in a large number of the block lists so they trigger on a lot on their own. Success.

What’s Next

I’m sure there is room for improvement, but this policy has served us well. Modify as needed and I’d be interested in any improvements you make.

Thanks for the read.

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